St. Patrick's Day Story and Giveaway!

Since I still have readers viewing this blog I am going to share the story I wrote for my giveaway on my Painted Sabotage Facebook page. If you want to skip the story and just enter the giveaway you can just go to the page and vote for one of the names listed or list your own and get your friends and family to vote for it and also fill in the giveaway at the top of the page.

For those of you still here, here is my story   ;-)

So there I was sitting under a tree relaxing, enjoying the breeze, when a strange little fellow in all green with a bright orange beard approaches me.  He says to me “lass why are you not scared of me or trying to catch me pot of gold? I say to him I do not need your pot of gold I have mine own thank you. His eyes grow big, he then yells “lies, you have no pot of gold!” So I repeat that indeed I do and I have it hidden in this tiny bottle. The fellow in green stares at the bottle with curiosity and anger all mixed together, he mutters to himself “impossible, can’t be! But I should take a look to make sure”.  He then paces back n forth arguing with himself on whether or not to go into the bottle and look, then he stops all flustered and says “Fine I will see if you are telling me the truth or not, and if you’re not I will turn you into a pint of green beer and "I'll chug ya down like an Irish Car Bomb!!!! So I open the small bottle slowly with a sparkle in my eye, knowing he didn’t know what I was about to do!  

I tell him if you don’t want to look then go on with yourself and leave me be then.  He gives me a perplexing look and says “open the bottle!” So I open the bottle and he jumps in, I quickly close the lid and giggle! He roared so loud I thought the bottle would break “I knew it there is no pot of gold!” Correct I said, there is no pot of gold, just a leprechaun in a bottle. His eyes bulge, his face turns red as a tomato, I tell him if you want out you need to leave pieces of yourself in the bottle, he yells at me “are you daft!!! I will not cut off a piece of myself you’re crazy!!” I explain no silly not like that, I want you to cut some fabric from your jacket, pants and hat so I may have the perfect Irish green. A piece of your snazzy light green shirt and that will bring a sparkle to everyone that sees it.  Empty your pockets of your do dads, trinkets and gold for some twinkling, as well as one of your buckles, who could resist shinies! Finally some clippings of that beautiful orange beard to give it a little bit of spark that you hold deep inside!!! He gives me the strangest look and says “you are one crazy lass!!!” I tell him possibly but I’m not the one in the bottle and wink. I go on to tell him, you are helping me create the perfect polish for St. Patrick’s Day! 

Hope you liked it! 


It's Time ...

I've been meaning to write this post for a while now, but didn't know how to start, what to write or how to write it. This may get a little messy while I try to get my thoughts together.

My journey into making my own line of polishes has pretty much consumed me, my creativity has been devoted to the polishes I am and have created. Which leads to me having less time for nail art. :/

I have decided to close Nail Utopia blog for a few reasons, stopping nail art is NOT one of those reasons. Nail Utopia served its purpose allowing me to show my nail art and meeting new people that also love nail art! :D I want continue my main focus on Painted Sabotage while posting nail art of mine and other nail artists. I will be moving my nail art over to Painted Sabotage once I decided on my main outlet.

So my lovely and amazing followers I would like for you to follow me on my journey. Right now I have my domain pointing to my Tumblr page, if you think blogger would be a better outlet I'd love to read your thoughts.

As for Painted Sabotage outlets I have a few but haven't decided on which will be my main outlet yet. Confusing I know, it is for me each one has its positives and negatives. I have also started a Word Press site but haven't moved it to my domain since I am still deciding. Also I have my a facebook page for Painted Sabotage. If I have you friend-ed on Chrissy NailUtopia on facebook, you can friend me on Chrissy PaintedSabotage I would love to stay in contact with everyone, so I will continue to check on Nail Utopia from time to time.

Now you know why you haven't seen any posts from me in a while, I am hoping to try and fit in Valentine nail art I just honestly don't know if I can fit it in. Its a few days away..  but hey maybe I can pull it off *shrug. But I'd still love to see what others come up with!! :D

Here is my latest mani I did for my Anniversary / Valentines Day.
Color Club Eternal Beauty with White Wedding.

I also created this for those who were looking for a different look.

You can find White Wedding and Hate Tank in my Etsy store.

Thanks for stopping by! :D
*Super Hugs to Everyone*

Polish Days - Polish Geometry

YAY another Polish Days!!!
I feel like such a slacker!!! I should have mine done and up already but my daughter is sick and well you know how that gos... Squeeze in time to get it done when ever possible! :D So I decided to do mine inspired by a Robin Moses video on Geometric Silver and Black Retro. Only one picture came out half way decent so I will take more and
add them later. :)
On to the picture!

Will be adding the other lovelies amazing pictures as well!! Stay tuned!!! :D

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