Another award! Paint me shocked!

I cannot believe I am receiving another award! This time its from two sweethearts Lacey over at and also Jinjit at

Thank You Ladies~!!
I am truly grateful~!!

now on to the rules (bleh I hate rules :p)

The rules for this are as follows:
1. Nominate 15 fellow bloggers that are relatively new to blogging.
2. Let them know you have nominated them.
3. Share 7 random facts about yourself.
4. Thank the blogger[s] who nominated you.
5. Add the Versatile Blogger Award picture to your post.

16. Confessions of a Polishaholic

I will be contacting everyone shortly. :D

So here we go 7 random facts about me huh?

1. I hate talking about myself. LOL does this count? >_<
2. Six years ago three months after my daughter was born I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. It took almost a year to get my last flair up under control and was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes from the steroid medicine. Heh go figure!
3. In August it will be 11 years that I've been with My husband YAY!
4. I have a Death Note figurine collection, but I'm missing L and Light Yagami/Kira just the main two guys doh, I will have to order them online but I keep forgetting. =x
5. I won a newbie PVP competition in SWTOR, yay for girl power~!!!
6. Debating on getting my nail tech license, but not sure because of my illness. =/
7. We shaved our Persian kitten the lion cut!
Isn't he cute!