Yes I know I've been gone way to long, but sometimes day to day gets busy, complicated and draining I am sure all of you can relate! ;) But I will have new art shortly! Also I need to update my giveaways section so if your having a giveaway please leave me a comment with your site info so I can add it!! Also I've been working with gel for my nails since back in July I cut them all down to nubs for my gardening which was a success!! And I did do one project a gel stiletto, I will try to get a pic up or you to see and you can give me your comments on it. :) That is it for now till I get a couple of tasks done (fixing light-box) and starting my fill and nail art project! YAY. *hugs and thanks for visiting* :D
2 Thanks for all your comments - you make my day! :):
welcome back!!!
You should joing my giveaway, you can win a bottle of OPI SRO (Standing Room Only) and OPI La Boheme!
Hi, I came to know your blog, loved, congratulations and much success here, your blog is wonderful!
I'm following your blog! :)
I invite you to visit my Blog and if you like and can also follow my blog, you will be very welcome, feel at home!
Kisses from Brazil
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