Yes its been a while, but here I am with 4th of July inspired water marble!! :D It's a little early but I was thinking of maybe doing some other designs for the 4th as well. And I would have like to have taken more pictures but I cracked a nail playing with my dog LOL! So I am thinking of cutting my nails down soon. This is my forth crack/break between both hands, and I am getting slightly annoyed LOL!! Also I want to mention that Shellac does not give longer nails the added support it does with shorter nails. So I will be trying Gelish out soon to see if it gives longer nails that little bit of extra toughness. :D And a quick shout out to Minni, just cause that girl is so damn awesome at 3D Nail Art! I love all kinds of nail art and I want to do them all, and sometimes I get so distracted I forget my own nails!! >_< So forgive me please for taking longer than usual to post!!! =x
Now on to the pictures~!!!

A little side note I can't believe I only own 3!!! red polishes how can that be I have no idea LOL!! And 2 of them are essie Ruby Slippers and FC (femme couture) Ruby Slippers from Sallys. LOL and yes they look almost identical, except the FC one is easier to water marble with hehe.
SO polishes used:
FC (femme couture) - Ruby Slippers
Sally Hansen - Blue It
Sally Hansen - Lavender Cloud
Top Coat - Seche Ultra - V
(UV activated top coat)
which smeared my water marble ARG!!!!!!!
Yes I know Lavendar Cloud is not a true white but to be honest I was to lazy to take my butt to the store for a different one >_<
Please let me know what you think, would love your thoughts!!! :D