Rant post.......... Ever have one of those days or few days where nothing is working right LOL. Or so undecided cant make up my mind. I was debating another water marble or to do some konad stamping, since I haven't done much since Valentines mani and I got the mash set I finally decided to do konad stamping. So then I started out with Wet n Wild -Gray's Anatomy and found out it didn't work well for what I wanted to do, polish change time. So then I decide well lets do a spring color and thought well already did baby blue so thats out.
So then I begin swatching pinks and oranges and I only have 2 oranges right now I did take advantage of the Zoya earth day promotion since I figured that would be a good time to add Zoya to my nail polish collection since I don't own any and did pick out an orange but they haven't arrived yet. :(
Then I swatch the 2 oranges I have and decide on Sally Hansen - Sun Kissed its a bright orange and didn't like the application but used it. So I begin picking images and colors and I was going ok until I realized the ones I finished were upside down and that would be a pain to photograph ugh, and the orange was looking to pumpkin'ish. Polish change again and more swatching..... :( And a rude awakening I really need more polishes hahahahahaha. Like a nice neutral color would be nice, but I don't have any. :( So its time to go shopping hehe and see what I can find. Wish me luck!!!!
And also I would like to say Welcome, Hello and Thanks for becoming a follower!!!If you have anything you would like to see more of don't hesitate to speak up!!!
*Hugs to you all*
edited to make it easier on the eyes hehe
edited to make it easier on the eyes hehe