Here is the polishes I ordered and she sent me 2 cute bar soaps, how cool is that!!!

Swatches of Fire & Ice on different shades of red.

This one is blurry on purpose to show all the mega sparkles!!!!
under regular light with flash
I was in a creative mood and remember seeing drip drops design on Gems in a Bottle's Blog so I added it to one nail! :D
KBShimmer can be found on Etsy and her site
I'm so glad I purchased this color I absolutely love it!!! So what do you think?
Also I would like to say hello to my new followers and thank you for all your comments. I love reading them. Sorry it takes me a bit to reply sometimes, life gets hectic!!!
Happy Polishing :D

I was in a creative mood and remember seeing drip drops design on Gems in a Bottle's Blog so I added it to one nail! :D
KBShimmer can be found on Etsy and her site
I'm so glad I purchased this color I absolutely love it!!! So what do you think?
Also I would like to say hello to my new followers and thank you for all your comments. I love reading them. Sorry it takes me a bit to reply sometimes, life gets hectic!!!
Happy Polishing :D

12 Thanks for all your comments - you make my day! :):
new to your blog but love love love the shimmers and design...
you are going on my must-watch/read everyday list hehehe
how do you take care of your nails? mine keep on peeling and breaking :( i have tried a couple of strengthener and growth treatments? any recommendations? thanks :D
that is really pretty!
I agree! Thank you :D
Hi Aarya,
Hello and welcome to my blog! Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment, peeling nails can be due to dryness, and the nail strengtheners might be doing more harm than good sometimes. There are questions I would like to ask before I offer advice other than oils to help moisturize your nails. Even extra virgin olive oil will help moisturize. Email me and we can discuss it more. :D
thanks.. i will email you right now... hehe...
Awww awesome!
Gorgeous sparkles!
Thank you very much!
It is! Outside in the sun I couldn't stop staring at my nails@! >_<
Wow ! Your blog is amazing and so creative ! I love what you have done with your nails here and am always looking for new ways to do mine ( I change my nails sooo often as I get bored really quickly..haha) !
Definitely now following you :)
Really hope you can stop by and visit my blog sometime!
Looking forward to your future posts
Sophie-Mayanne xox
Thank you so much!! *hugs* :D I visited your cute blog and followed back :D
such cool nails!!!! <3
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