My daughter picked this design for me to do out of four choices, I was leaning more towards the bunny in a coffee cup. Cause you know coffee is a win add a bunny and now its a win win hehehe. But she won out as usual shes as stubborn as I am LOL.
I tried to record how I did my nails, but I failed horribly my camera had moved a somehow and totally missed my hands! TOTAL FAIL!!! :( But the good news is you can check out Robin's tutorials on the right side or click here.
Now on to my nails
Under lamp at desk.

This was done using acrylic paints, I didn't photograph them but if you would like to see the bottles and brands I would be happy to help out. But for now I will list them.
Folk Art 320 Jamaican Sea, 2549 Summer Peach
Light Lavender, Baby Pink
Americana Pistachio Mint
Apple Barrel Black, White and 20523 Kelly Green
Liquitex Basics Cerulean Blue Hue, Primary Yellow
Liquitex High Viscosity Prism Violet
As you can see I used a mixture of paints thats in my stash, I like testing out different types.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask, no question is to small. I know I had tons when I started trying to do it. I'm not a professional nail tech just an artsy woman who became passionate about nail art. I started doing nail art a little over a year now it became my creative outlet, I love art and my nails are my canvas. :)

22 Thanks for all your comments - you make my day! :):
WOW! Now that is talent! :] Looks AMAZING!
I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award on my page :]
<3 Lacey
just great!
Beautiful! I love how everything peeks out from behind the blades of grass!
cuuuutttteeeeeee !
This is amazing! Beautiful job. I love how it's like peeking into a meadow to see what you'll discover. :)
This is pure beauty! I LOVE it!!!
Also, I have nominated you for Versatile Blogger award on my nail polish blog:
This is unbelievable! OMG, I want this on my nails! (If only I had any painting talent...which I don 't.) I love Robin Moses too!
ohh so adorable!! :)
Thank you sooooo much! And thank you for the award to! :D
Thank you!!!
Thanks Bethany I think I got carried away with the grass though. LOL >_<
Thank you Ashleigh! :D
Thank you so much!! Weee another award THANK YOU! <3
Very inspiring posts and blog, love your style! Would you
like to follow each other?
Thank you! Takes practice and patience :) Yes she is wonderful!
Thanks! :D
Hiya Fashionhypnotised,
Thank you for you kind words! I'm very critical of my writing, so getting a compliment is ... well sort of shocking! hehehe
I'd love to see your blog and follow, send me the link so I can go catch it out! :D
Wow! This design is blowing me away. I really admire your artistic ability!
Thank you sooo much!!! *hugs*
Wow, your nail art is amazing! I love the bunny! :D
Thank you for following my blog! Now following yours, this is amazing art work!! :D xxx
very nice mani.please visit my blog and subscribe and i do too on your
blog.let's follow us
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